16 November 2024

After a succesful Tropical Bali workshops in 2021, we are back on track, this time will be periodically held in Den Haag!
1 Day of a joyful learning to feel the art of Bali: DANCE, MUSIC ON GAMELAN and Balinese SINGING , all for beginners!
Dwibhumi Balinese Dance & Culture in collaboration with Cultuurschakel Den Haag & GVK, offer 3 different workshops.

- Balinese dance with Nova Burdo-Marseline

16 Nov 2024
Het Koorenhuis Den Haag ( Prinsegracht 27
2512 EW Den Haag)
13.00 -17.00
Cost: € 0
This workshop of Balinese dance is for beginners. Nova will teach you how to dance basic Balinese dance, a choreography that will be danced along with the live gamelan music at the end of the workshop. Participants will learn how to “agem”, how to dance with the face gesture, hands, feet, neck, shoulder and toes! You don’t have to have a basic Balinese dance to join, that is exactly the purpose of this workshop; introducing Balinese dance to you! Who knows you will love it and go to Bali for further learning?! But wait, we will also give periodically workshops in Den Haag, so you are welcome!
At the end of the workshop, around 16.15 we will give performance of the dance you have learned, along with the gamelan partcipants and the singing participipants! so invite your family and friends to see us at the Foyer Het Koorenhuis!
2. Make the Balinese music with gamelan, led by Anak Agung Bagus Krishna Sutedja!

16 Nov 2024
Het Koorenhuis Den Haag ( Prinsegracht 27
2512 EW Den Haag )
13.00 -17.00
Cost: € 0
A.A.B. Krishna is a well known gamelan music teacher in this Balinese vibes. Graduated from a well known music academy Codarts in Rotterdam, he has been playing gamelan since he was born in Ubud, Bali. Coming from an artisan family , his knowledge of rythm in Balinese music and other Indonesian music instruments, has led him to perform and to teach in many countries. We are lucky to have him on this workshop!
You will learn how to play different Balinese gamelan instruments. At the end of the workshop, around 16.15 we will give performance of the music you have learned, along with the dance partcipants and the singing participipants! so invite your family and friends to see us at the Foyer Het Koorenhuis!
3. Sing along traditionally with the music!! Wayan Pitriana will guide you to find your soul voice with her outstanding voice!
16 Nov 2024
Het Koorenhuis Den Haag ( Prinsegracht 27
2512 EW Den Haag )
14.00 -17.00
Cost: € 0

Wayan Pitriana comes from Denpasar, Bali. She has been singing professionally since she was a child. In Bali, she sings Balinese for ceremonies and in the temple, also for many different performances. Graduated from a “Karawitan” (traditional ensemble) in Bali, she then moved to Belgium to continue her passion in singing, both traditional and modern, not to forget pop music. Her angelic voice has led her into many various performances in many countries. In Balinese music and dance performance, we will always hear the “Gerong” or you call it the leading singing, this is what you will learn. You don’t have to have a “so what you call” beautiful voice, but you will learn how to be beautiful to sing along with the music on gamelan, and to beautifully lead the dance participants with your singing!
You will learn how to singing in Balinese. At the end of the workshop, around 16.15 we will give performance of the song you have learned, along with the dance partcipants and the gamelan participipants! so invite your family and friends to see us at the Foyer Het Koorenhuis!
To register: